Check out some of the awesome things we do throughout the year!
*Please note that some events may not be held due to scheduling and/or lack of chairs.
This is a week-long event where students and their families can purchase books for students and staff. SPIRITWEAR Organize orders and distribute Jaguar Spiritwear twice a year. TEACHER GIVING TREE Collect “wishes” from teachers to make available for parent purchase throughout the year, create a display for wishes, and maintain its Google sheet. SCHOOL CARNIVAL Games, prizes, face painting, silent auctions, raffles, classroom baskets, and more. Fun for the entire family. THORSON BOYS EVENT An event for Thorson boys to spend time with someone special. Bring your mom, grandma, or a special friend for an exciting time! GIRLS’ FANCY DANCE This dress-up dance is a time for Thorson girls to spend with someone special. Bring your dad, uncle, grandpa, or a special friend. TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK A week-long celebration for teachers, staff, and all they do for our kiddos. Students can bring flowers, dress up, and bring supplies to show appreciation. PTO WEBSITE Update the PTO website with information regarding events, forms, and activities. PTO FACEBOOK Update the PTO Facebook page regarding events, how to get involved with PTO, and general information about the PTO. BUZZ BOOK Prepare, assemble, and distribute the student directory. FAMILY PORTRAIT FUNDRAISER Work with a local photographer to provide an opportunity for outdoor photos of two groups: siblings and family. CELEBRATION ROCK Organize online signup, obtain and monitor supply levels, and answer any questions about signup for Celebration Rock. CHESS CLUB Collaboration with Wisconsin Scholastic Chess Federation, who leads 16 sessions for 2nd through 5th grade students. The sessions will include professional chess instruction and tournament play. |
Free build. All are welcome. DINING FOR DOLLARS Take a break from the kitchen and eat out at various restaurants throughout the year. A percent of sales is generously donated back to PTO. THE WRITE STUFF—SCHOOL-PAK SUPPLY KITS Organize and manage the ordering and pickup of school supply kits for convenient, one-stop parent ordering. ROOM PARENTS Help keep classrooms running smoothly by organizing classroom parties, finding room volunteers, organizing classroom gifts, and facilitating the School Carnival classroom project. Partnering with another parent is an enjoyable way to participate in this role. HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE Plan special events for teachers, staff, and families, such as (1) holiday treats for teachers/staff, (2) cookies/coffee for parents during conferences, and (3) back-to-school breakfast for teachers/staff. YEARBOOK/PHOTOS Thorson’s yearbook is a great keepsake of all those special memories throughout the year. PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCE MEALS Help organize meals for teachers/staff during parent-teacher conferences. FAREWELL TO 5th GRADE Help send our 5th graders off to Middle School with a special farewell! GREEN SQUAD Help keep Thorson’s gardens looking their best. The front garden needs one spring clean-up, one fall clean-up, and three to four weeding sessions in the summer. Get some exercise and keep the gardens looking their best! TEACHER GRANT COMMITTEE Oversee teacher grant process by providing forms, answering questions, organizing documents, and communicating the disposition of requests. STUFF THE BUS Organize and manage the annual food collection event to help support our local community families who may be in need. DONUTS WITH YOUR DUDE/DARLING Plan a special breakfast event for students and a special person to attend before school. SKI & SNOWBOARD CLUB Organize and coordinate group rate and dates (4) for Thorson students and families to attend Little Switzerland for open ski/snowboard and/or lessons. |